Mistakes New Truck Drivers Can & Should Avoid

Mistakes New Truck Drivers Can & Should Avoid

Driver fatigue is one of the most common errors that both new and seasoned truckers often make. Several studies show that easily 13 % of accidents occur because of  fatigue. If you’re a rookie truck driver, here are some mistakes you can avoid, and by doing so, have a safe and successful journey to your destination. 

Neglecting Pre-Trip Inspections

One of the most significant mistakes new truck drivers make is skipping pre-trip inspections. Regularly inspecting your truck before hitting the road can prevent potential breakdowns and ensure the safety of both the driver and other motorists. Check the tires, brakes, lights, and fluids meticulously to identify any issues that might require attention. Taking the time for a thorough pre-trip inspection will not only save you from unexpected troubles but also demonstrate professionalism to your employer.

Speeding and Tailgating

The temptation to push the pedal to the metal can be strong, especially if you’re trying to meet a tight delivery schedule. However, speeding and tailgating are dangerous behaviors that increase the risk of accidents. Remember that large trucks require more time and distance to come to a complete stop compared to smaller vehicles. Common sense applies here; maintain a safe following distance and adhere to speed limits at all times.

Ignoring Rest and Sleep

As mentioned above, fatigue can take its toll. Long hours on the road can be exhausting, leading to decreased concentration. As a new truck driver, never underestimate the importance of rest and sleep. Follow the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, which dictate the maximum driving and rest hours, to ensure you are well-rested and alert throughout your journey.

Inadequate Trip Planning

New truck drivers often fall into the trap of inadequate trip planning. Knowing your route, including potential roadblocks, construction zones, and alternative routes, is essential for a smooth journey. Utilize GPS devices and route planning apps designed for truck drivers to stay informed about the road conditions and plan your rest stops strategically.

Poor Communication and Navigation

Effective communication is crucial for truck drivers, especially when loading and unloading cargo. Failure to communicate clearly with loading dock personnel can lead to errors, delays, and even accidents. Additionally, be proficient in using your truck’s navigation system and maps to avoid getting lost in unfamiliar areas. Keeping lines of communication open and ensuring a clear understanding of directions will help you stay on track and enhance overall efficiency.

Becoming a successful truck driver is a journey that requires vigilance, planning, and a commitment to safety. By avoiding the potential mistakes discussed above, as a new truck driver, you can lay the foundation for a rewarding and incident-free career on the road. Remember, safety should always be your top priority, not only for your well-being but also for those who share the highways with you. So, stay alert, stay focused, and drive responsibly to enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous career in the trucking industry. If you’d like to apply as a driver with us, please visit our careers page